Friday, April 12, 2013

Screen vs. print document design


(Source:, 2009)


(Source:, 2012) 


group 8
group 4

group 6

Some readers, they would read only the first sentence or things that are more salient while scanning the content. This suggests the sentence or the salient item are important, as it shows the entire meaning of the context, "one idea per paragraph" (Nielsen 1997). Users want to get information quickly too, Therefore, texts in screen based is scannable and concise. Whereas, print based has a larger proportion of text that is set in high-resolution with the headlines and graphics in a pleasing over-all layout that allows the eye to move from overview to details in a fraction of a second.

Print design is two-dimensional, which focuses more to layout (Neilsen, 1999) whereas web design is one-dimensional and N-dimensional (Neilsen, 1999). On the other hand, each view of print design unit has a fixed size canvas while screen design enables a scrolling experience from up to down, side to side for the readers (Neilsen, 1999).

Simple and informal way of writing in the screen based as Some readers prefer informal, or conversational, writing better than formal writing as they understand better. This is because reading from computer screens constraint our eyes, thus, it makes our eyes tired and slower down the speed of reading compared to print based. Hence, the simpler the way of writing, the easier for the readers to absorb the informations (Webb, 2013). However, in printed based, formal language is used as it is read by professionals and students who want to get more detail information.


Nielsens, J 1997, Concise, Scannable, and Objective: How to Write For The Web, Nielsen Norman Group, viewed 13 April 2013 < >

Nielsens, J 1999, Differences Between Print Design and Web Design, Nielsen Norman Group, viewed 13 April 2013, < >

Webb, P 2013, Content & Usability: Writing for the Web, Webcredible, viewed 13 April 2013, <>

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New forms of media publishing

The new mass media has been constantly evolving. The shifting of patterns of cultural and societal participation as well as economic production in developed nations are caused by the development of new, advanced technologies of information access, knowledge exchange, and content production, many of whom are associated with Internet and new media technologies (Produsage,2013).  According to Naughton (2006), “a new organism has arrived in our media ecosystem and existing organisms have to accommodate themselves to the newcomer” where the traditional media have to accommodate the new media publishing.

(Source:, 2008)

These new media and journalism has impacted the media in both good and bad in media theory, concepts, rules and regulations. These include the democratization of media because of its low barriers to enter, demands of media's hegemony, a redefinition of credibility, the breakthrough of experts and watchdogs and the demands of readers in the journalistic action. New media has allowed the sharing of information in a community. Despite that, people have taken advantage of it and used it for their own purposes. According to Stuart (2006), internet is an unfiltered primary source of information with no facts. This has leads to many false news were circulated around the new media like Twitter and Facebook. 

Allan (2006, p. 24) stated that newspaper is a dull, expensive and counterproductive. Traditional media is not gone yet, but its value has changed from simply the mass way of consumption to a more niche use. Its value is preserved in its own traditional form, where it is more trustable and easy accessible without internet. Therefore, Naughton (2006) concludes that the relationship between blogging and conventional print journalism is symbiotic. 

(source:, 2010)

New media is accessible to everyone in the whole world, thus, we must rethink before publishing as it might be offensive. For example, Wee Meng Chee, or better known as Namewee in YouTube posted a controversial music video of 'Negarakuku' ridiculing Malaysia national anthem. It has been circulated and reaches 1million viewers through the internet in just a night. This has caused a stir and racial tension among the Malaysians. This video was deemed seditious and was taken down due to public disapproval. Hence, he had apologized to the netizens for his action. Therefore, freedom of speech has its limit too as not to create chaos in the country.

Allan, S 2006, Online news, McGrawHill, New York

Naughton, J 2006, Blogging and the emerging media ecosystem, viewed on 9 April 2013, <>

Snurb 2007, Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life, and Beyond: From Production to Produsage, Produsage, viewed 9 April 2013, <>

Sunday, April 7, 2013

How do readers perceive blog credibility & how do you build credibility through content ideas?

(source:, 2012)

Johnson & Kaye (2008) said that information posted and site sponsor can affect credibility judgements. This is the information that enables to keep audience coming back for more with posts focused on a few specific subjects. Fin (2011) suggested a reliability model is repeated exposure to many of distinguish sources online that allows for confirmation of information which makes the information more trustworthy. However, according to Johnson & Kaye (2008), credibility is achieved by using multiple of cues such as reputation and style of delivery.

News sites which are connected with famous media brand are usually judged more credible than their independent counterparts. Besides that, well- designed resources are more reliable as interactive elements on a site able to provoke higher credibility assessments.

(source: (2012)

Three examples are 

cognitive perspectives- how credibility is accepted by an individual that involved in an information negotiation.
Source-focused perspectives- identify specific components of the information source or medium to understand areas of research work that are likely to correlate with positive trust judgments.
A network perspective- making credibility assessments in online information exchanges, and the shortcomings of creating a universal description of all the source-based evaluations in a digital environment

The three most compelling ways to create blog content are (Clark, 2013)

let a guest write-  Allow people from your organization comment on your posts and respond to comments added to your content to create a community. Beside that, add your own comments to content posted to your community. Engaging in actual conversation through comments with readers allow you to know what is in their mind and getting feedback from them.
•link from other blogs- you have gained loads upon loads of credibility.  Obtaining a link or a recommendation from an already credible blogger will make the blog content credible. It helps to strengthen your credibility as it gets support from a reliable source.
review- telling your readers which product or services that you have used or experienced before. providing them honest, unbiased information and whether it is good or not. If you don’t like a product, be honest. If you like a product, tell them exactly what value the product has. Therefore, readers know whether it is recommended to be used or not.  


Azzollini, S 2012, Building credibility with online communities, viewed 9 April 2013, <>

Johnson, TJ & Kaye, BK 2008, Can you teach a new blog old tricks? How Blogs Users Judge Credibility of Different Types of Blogs for Information About the Iraq War, viewed 9 April 2013, <>

Finn, J & de Zuniga, HG 2011, Online credibility and community among blog users, viewed 9 April 2013, <

Clark, B 2013, 22 Ways to Create Compelling Content When You Don’t Have a Clue, viewed 9 April 2013, <>